A Sneaky Peak at A Hook in the Sky

This is the fourth promised peak at A Hook in the Sky, a "quintessential boomer novel" as it has been called by several reviewers. For Amazon reviews (23), click here and Goodreads (20) are here.

This time,  I thought I'd show you the sensual side of A Hook in the Sky. By now, if you follow this blog, you know the book is about Robert, a retiree-turned-artist to the dismay of his much younger wife. They fight, they separate, other women enter his life, and one in particular, called Nour. She is young, beautiful and deeply troubled. Since he's an artist, he paints her in the nude:

And here is the scene in the book describing Robert at work on her portrait:

For Robert, painting was another way to make love to Nour.

On the canvas, his brushes longingly caressed her breasts, her belly, her thighs. He looked for the exact hue of her flesh, the shine of her hair falling over her eyes. He arranged her in different pauses, multiplying the pleasure of taking her in with his painters eyes. There was something slow and feline about her, the way she crouched on the floor, all naked, and looked up at him in defiance, like a cat.
He painted her in that crouching position and was certain it was the best female nude he had ever done.

He loved her physically, he loved her with his eyes. He had never loved a woman so. 

   They rarely spoke to each other, there was nothing to say. He never discovered what interested her, and never understood what she saw in him perhaps the charm of an older man? 

Sneaky peak? Yeah! But I must confess: this is an abridged version, slightly sanitized for Web consumption. You get the real thing (a little steamier, oh yes) in the book!

For other fascinating Boomer lit reads, go to Boomer Lit Friday website where authors participating in the Blog Hop have listed links to their own site and boomer book. Have a happy Boomer lit week-end!

A HOOK IN THE SKY is available on Amazon, paperback (222 pages) and e-book : click here.

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Shelley Lieber said…
Beautifully written, Claude. I love how you paint with words.
Unknown said…
Very, very sensual. Nicely done!
Anonymous said…
You "cleaned" it up very cleverly, Claude, since I've read the original version. Sensual indeed! Well done as always!
Beth Carpenter said…
The fact that they "rarely spoke... there was nothing to say" says so much.
Thanks so much Shelley, coming from you, that's a real compliment!
Kathleen, thanks, I tried for something different: give the "color" of the story rather than add plot points...
Ah, you read the original! Then you know how I did rework it...I had some hesitations but I figured you just can't have some things splattered on the Net. And it's different when you read a book, you get into the mood. Here, with 12 lines to quote, it was quite a challenge!
You're right Beth, that's what is key in their relationship and that's what leads to trouble!
John Klawitter said…
People who haven't written erotica have no idea how difficult it can be. But you make it seem effortless.
Unknown said…
I construct romantic scenes with a hammer, you do it with a brush. Well done.
Michael Murphy said…
I remember this scene well and enjoyed reading the whole book. Nice excerpt. Brought me back into the story.
Courtney Pierce said…
You do two very difficult things so beautifully: describe the body and, even harder, describe painting the body at the same time. Bravo!
Hey, thanks so much for your comments, D.R.Shoultz, Michael Murphy and stitchesthenovel! I really appreciate that you read this and then went to the trouble of putting down how you felt, it's all music to my (writer's) ears!
Anonymous said…
This is a very beautiful, descriptive passage. I remember thinking that when I read your novel.
Thank you so much Lynn, that's so nice of you to say... I'm very grateful for your review!