I've just had the pleasure (and honor) to co-author a piece on COVID-19 and...religion (!) - yes, a serious matter - with Richard Seifman, former World Bank advisor and health expert:
The Role of Religion in Covid Prevention Response: Where Angels Fear to Tread
While bench scientists around the world continue to work on designing a safe and effective vaccine and therapeutics, drug manufacturing companies deal with the production aspects, and public health systems grapple with future distribution constraints, a different factor may await in the wings, one which can either help or hinder the achievement of prevention goals, namely religious tenets. World religions can make a difference in the race to distribute vaccines, for better or for worse, and we are already seeing their impact around the world.
To read it click here: https://impakter.com/role-religion-covid-prevention-response/
Then, as I looked back on my blog, I realized I've abandoned you, my friends, since...August! Way too long!
To remedy (just a bit), here's the list of articles I published since then - and for those of you who are writers (like me - I'm writing a children's book series of fantasy travel), I draw your attention to the article about the launch of the Publishers SDG Compact, take a look below:
Hungary and Poland Block Europe’s Covid Recovery Fund
It happened today, 16 November. Hungary and Poland have managed to block Europe's €750 billion Recovery Fund. Europeans rarely agree on anything and now the Visegrad group of East European countries led by Hungary and Poland is threatening Europe’s path to
A Biden Victory: What it Means for the Rest of the World
Biden’s victory, as welcome as it is, means very different things for America and for the world. Here I will try to look beyond the coming eleven weeks of recriminations, accusations and lawsuits that Trump appears set to unleash. I
Why With Trump, There Is No Common Future
More Americans are beginning to realize what has been evident all along to impartial observers in Europe: If Trump gets another four years at the White House, it will mark the definitive decline of American power. Much to China’s and
The Publishing Industry in Support of the SDGs: Launch of the SDG Publishers Compact
Today, 14 October, something special happened at the 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair: The SDG Publishers Compact was launched (SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals). This is important first of all because of the venue: The Frankfurt Book Fair is the
Why the Seven-Year EU Budget Needed for Europe’s Recovery Is in Trouble
Once again the European Parliament and the Council are at loggerheads over the EU's seven-year budget. The "only" difference compared to previous negotiations is that, in this case, the 2021-2027 budget is anchored to a crucial instrument for economic recovery:
Europe’s New Direction: Green, Equitable, Digital
The new European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, the first woman ever to hold the job in its 63-year history, has set out to change Europe, pushing it into a new direction.
Ok, that’s it for now. If you want to read any of those articles, it’s easy, just click on the article’s title. I hope you enjoy them, Let me know what you think!