The 6-Word Novel: For Sale, Wedding Ring, Never Worn!

For Sale: Wedding Ring, Never Worn

Ok, I plead guilty: the original 6-word short story, a.k.a. the six word novel, an extreme form of flash fiction,  is Hemingway's and it's not about a failed relationship but a dead baby or perhaps an unborn child, precisely this: 

For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn.

He dreamt it up in the 1920s in response to a bet with friends. He won the bet and he considered it his best story ever.

The 6-word flash fiction has fascinated people so much over time that today there's a website entirely dedicated to it, with hundreds of examples, see here.

And now ReadWave, the cool website that draws together readers and writers with short stories (including non-fiction), has come up with a competition inspired by Hemingway's 6 word story:

Readwave will award $100 to the 6-word story that gets the most "likes" on their site, there are still 12 days to go, but hurry! To submit your story click here.

I submitted a horror story (it was an idea my husband had, surprisingly so, he's usually not that morbid!) and this is how it looks on the Readwave website:

 ...hum. If you like it, please go over to the website here, and click the "like" button, thanks!

BIG NEWS (in case you missed it)! All 4 parts of FOREVER YOUNG are now OUT, Part 4, The Longevity Gene is here 

You can start reading Part One for free on Wattpad where I release a new chapter every day - 6 chapters published so far, click here to start reading. And if you like it, please "vote" (that's how "likes" are expressed on Wattpad) Many thanks!

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