Christmas Lights...My Gift to You, Beloved Reader!

I just wrote a Christmas tale based on a real episode in my life - very short, a 3 minute read! It was published on ReadWave and immediately started "trending". Here's a screen shot of the title page:

And here's the beginning of the story:

"I banged on the door like mad. My parents were in there, in the big room where we never went, the room reserved for guests, and I wanted to be with them. Why didn’t they let me in? Brita tried to stop me but I wouldn’t listen to her. I banged harder. 

Dad stuck his head out, he was frowning. “Will you stop that?” he yelled. “Now wait, like a good little girl.” And he slammed the door shut. 

Brita took my hand and pulled me back. I could feel the tears welling up. She kneeled down and smiled. I loved her kind blue eyes and the brown curls of her hair that let her ears stick out. She was the first person I saw in the morning and the last at night. She gave me my breakfast porridge and tucked me in bed...."

To find out what's behind that closed door, read the rest here

And to check how it's "trending", you can find it here. Please "like" it, if you do!  
If you don't know about ReadWave, you can find out about it here and visit their homepage here. It's a fun site doing a very good job of connecting authors and readers.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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