Our Daily Burnt Bread: Grillo is at it again!

Beppe Grillo, the buffoon who's holding Italy by the throat, told BBC News
"When the markets crash because I don't form a coalition, they will say it's Beppe Grillo's fault. In fact, they're saying it already. But it's fake, it's just an excuse." 

That was a while back, on 28 February, just before the elections that brought his 5 Star Movement up front, with 25% of the votes.

Trouble is: it's NOT fake, it's not an excuse. The reality is that Italy is paralyzed and has been for a whole month. The three blocs face each other - Bersani on the left, Berlusconi on the right with Grillo who could call the shots if he wanted to. But he isn't. Yet all he has to do is support and condition the left which is closer to his views, but he won't.

He's like a spoiled child sitting on the floor, screaming and banging and refusing to move.

Bottom line: Grillo is irresponsible, full stop. But what can you expect from a comedian?

PS. This is the first of Our Daily Burnt Bread posts that will be coming to you whenever the  news are just too stupid to bear.
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Il problema sono solo e sempre i soldi:Per quanto al finanziamento privato dei due buffoni nazionali, é chiaro che entrambi attingono alle entrate dei media. televisione. pubblicità, fondi esteri da paesi paradisi fiscali, essi giocano fuori le regole, Ed é inutile che se la prendono con i giornalisti e la magistratura
Il finanziamento ai Partiti non é ben regolato dalla Legge. L'attuale Presidente della Camera é stato chiaro: si deve stabilito un tetto alla spesa e il singolo Partito ammesso al finanziamento,per approvazione della rendicazione per modelli di spesa.
Quindi il parametro é la fatturazione sulla ricevuta di spesa. Così i rappresentanti nazionali daranno il primo buon esempio.Ma Grillo non vuole controlli.
I agree with you, Giuseppe, bottom line, the problem is money...and corruption. That Grillo doesn't want any controls over the money he spent for the funding of his political campaign or over how he got the income he has (that's why he doesn't want to participate in the work of the Parliament: he'd be forced to reveal his tax returns by law) does tell us a lot about the sort of person he really is...As corrupt as the rest of them! So any law seeking to regulate the money received by political parties for funding their campaigns is not acceptable to the political class, whether Grillo or the others. They all like it the way it is: digging their hands into the pockets of honest tax-paying citizens and not having to explain to anyone how much money they really got and what they did with it!
bertcarson said…
You're going to spend a lot of time picking and choosing what to report in your blog since most of it is too stupid to bear.
Thanks for doing that.
Bert, that's very funny! Yes, I don't really plan to do it every day, just when it's become too hard to bear will I let go and have a really good rant!
Unknown said…
One voice is all it takes to make change....one grain of rice can tip the scales.....thank you for sharing your voice. I'll share mine int he U.S., and maybe we can change the world?!
Change the world? That's my fondest hope, but I am well aware that my voice is a drop in the ocean, it won't keep it from being salty!