The Pleasure of a Printed Book: An Old Time Simple Joy!

We're all so deep into the Digital Age, flinging ebooks on our ereaders, that the simple pleasures of the past, like holding a printed book in your hands look quaint and old fashioned...Yet, when my novel FEAR OF THE PAST came to me yesterday through the mail, I was so happy!

Yes, I'm squinting! But that's meant to be a smile... The sun of Umbria is really hot even though we're still in March - very unusual weather this time of year...How do you like the cover? You can tell I like the color BLUE! It was printed by Amazon's Create Space and I think they did a superb job.

Here's the inside, the start of a chapter:

Nice print, very easy on the eyes. Yes, for the first time I felt my book was real - goes to show I'm old fashioned even though I love Internet, in particular for the ability to connect with readers - a wonderful opportunity for us writers to get out of our ivory towers...

If you're addicted to printed books (I have some close friends who are and won't touch an e-book with a ten foot pole, much less a computer), here's the link you need to purchase it:

Fear of the Past, a novel

When it opens, click "paperback" and you'll see it costs $19.99 - not much considering it's a book of some 525 pages...

But my promo is still on TODAY 16 MARCH and you're in time to get your FREE e-book version of it - until tonight 12 pm Pacific Standard Time! Click here: Fear of the Past, a novel

All this raises a question in my mind: why doesn't Amazon start a "bundling" campaign? It's well positioned to do so since Create Space is a division of Amazon. Bundling involves selling a printed book together with its digital version for a preferred price: say, in this case, $21. With one dollar more you'd get the digital version (which costs $5.99 once the promo is over). Or you could launch promos on the printed book with a free digital version attached. There are really many ways to do this...

Don't you think that would be a good idea? What's your take on launching a bundling campaign?

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